Fashionable Macaroni Necklaces

macaroni necklaces Macaroni Necklaces : So the time has come Mothers Day,  The day that we are surprised by out little ones with gifts and pictures.  Thanking us for being there all year.  This year many of us will get handmade treasures from out little ones.   The most basic of these precocious little gifts is the handmade macaroni necklaces.  It will be worn with pride on this Sunday then reside in our jewelry boxes and top draws for the next 15 years.   So this year I have taken the pasta in to my own hands and figured out a way to rock the Riggtoni Necklace with style.

I spray painted  the pasta in shoes boxes (took several coats) and presented my daughter with the task of making me a amazing necklace.  Because we all have to be fashionable, even when wearing pasta.  She like making bracelets.   Which she wants to steal from me.  My son actually took all the pictures.

So I urge you to share this post with your preschool teachers and kindergarten teachers,  because it is nice to be fashionable while being a mom.

Tools; Spray Paint (gold,silver,light blue,lime green, peach), Pasta,  Clear elastic cord and Black elastic cord.

This lovely jewelry combo was made out of Mini Wheels and Zitimacaroni necklaces

This combo was made from Mini Wheels, Catanisellia Lunga 28, Ziti, and Capella

macaroni necklacesThis Lovely Set with the 3 bracelet stack : Ziti, Elbow Macaroni. Mini Wheels ,

macaroni necklaces

So this Sunday morning when you are woken up and not allowed to sleep in.  Think don’t you wish you had one of these Macaroni necklaces to wear today.

Happy Mothers Day !

from one mom to another

Big Girls Guide is Officially  Launching May 19th!  A blog for the Plus size Mom’s  over 30.  Because it is great being a Big Girl

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