In our home Psoriasis is a fact of our lives. My husband has 100% coverage of Psoriasis he has taken every drug and every cream available for his auto immune disease. In the last few years I have has spots show up on my legs, (it is not contiguous). Psoriasis is genetic and in both our families for me it is defiantly induced by stress. Lately it has been driving me nuts the itching and dry skin makes me scratch. I can understand how it is to suffer with Psoriasis. I understand the itching and unbearable scratching you want to scratch so much your rub your skin raw, you might wake up scratch up bloody at night. You can want to rip your skin off. Everything both your skin, the rubbing of a sock, sink on skin chaffing can make you walk bow legged, you foot splitting from dry skin. Just imagine your over active skin reproducing your skin every 2 days- a normal skin reproduces every 30 days. It makes you skin want to always purge itself. Sounds Painful.. it is.

My husbands legs, his chest is worse
I was really excited to try out the Dermae line of products, maybe just maybe it could offer relief. I used the DermaE Psorzema body wash and a scrub and scrubbed my psoriasis on my legs and foot, When I got out of the shower I use the Psorzema cream. The Psorzema® Crème product defiantly reduced the scaling and the dry skin therefor reducing the itch. It really has been the best experience I have had since my psoriasis show up 2 years ago . My husband reported less flare ups and asked if he could get a gallon version of the creams.
My husband has been using the shampoo and conditioner. I did try it once but since I don’t have Psoriasis in my head it was drying to my color treated hair. You can feel the TeaTree oil and I would recommend getting both the DermaE Psorezma Shampoo and Conditioner, which seem to work well in comb the shampoo strips and the conditioner seems to protect.
I really am a fan of of the non prescriptions Psorzema®Crème because the steroid I have been using thinning my skin and I really want to stop any negative progression. Loved the cream it really changed the the height and redness so I can see my skin. Less scale and less red. I was actually able to shave my legs.

My legs much better after using DermaE Psorzema
Derma e Psorzema® Crème is made with a safe and effective blend of herbal extracts and skin vitamins such as Neem, Burdock, Bearberry, Vitamins A and E to help soften and soothe dry, irritated, scaling skin. It’s natural blend of ingredients help reduce redness and encourage healthy looking skin without the use of steroids, coal tar or pine tar. Psorzema® is available at Health Food Stores and
According to Derma E The results Aside from experiencing eczema and psoriasis symptom relief, participants were pleased with the overall feel and look of their skin.
• 96% felt very moisturizing
• 92% felt soothing upon application
• 88% helped skin look healthier
• 72% helped relieve itching
I would really encourage somebody you love to try with Eczema or Psoriasis to try Psorzema® Crème.